Sunday, August 29, 2010

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Vladimir Nabokov’s Good Readers and Good Writers

After reading Vladimir Nabokov’s Good Readers and Good Writers, I believe what Nabokov thinks makes a good reader is to use the, “authentic instrument of impersonal imagination and artistic delight”. I do agree with Nabokov, especially when Nabokov states “we must see and hear things, we must visualize the rooms, the clothes, the manners of an author’s people”. We as readers have to do this in order to feel the real vibe of the story and to better understand what we as readers are reading.
I believe the characteristics a good reader should have, would be to be able to connect with the characters and to be able to connect with the story or subject. Once a reader make some sort of emotional connection with the story, I feel it helps make the reader have better understand what’s going on and keeps the reader locked into the story. I would consider myself a good reader, I feel I do make an emotional connection with the story and the subjects involved with in the story. Nabokov had a lot of great points on how to be a good reader and writer that I will use in my future readings and writings.